Friday, March 13, 2009

In Memorium...WHAT THE CRACK!#@%@$#?

Today, I was driving behind a 1980 Chevolet Caprice. I found it interesting that this giant piece of Crap still was functioning, and that it had one of those stickers in the window that said In Memorium of....some person. WHAT THE CRACK????

I see these type of stickers all over the place. Why would you want to say that your car is in memory of someone who died? Did that dead person buy you that car? Maybe in a rare instance, but with the giant piece of Crap that I was following today, I don't think that they should have put that sticker on their car. They are doing no good for the dead person they are memorizing. Think about it...would you want someone who drives a crapy car memorializing you on it?

So...I am putting out a plea to the masses...stop doing this! It is stupid, no one cares, and you look like a tool!

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