Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Can't Help It...I Am Better Than Most People!!!!

Today while giving myself my daily affirmation, I realized something...I am better than most people. Its true and it may be hard for each of you to realize while your reading this. There is just something about me that is so great.

Could it be my sexiness, humor, incredible ability to find faults in others? While all of those are tremendous traits in of themselves...combined, I could conquer so much!

Think about it...if everyone in the world read my blog (oh...and gave $1 to our foundation 10,000 strong), not only would people begin to realize how sucky they are, but they would then know what they need to do to improve themselves. Thus...the world we become better because there would be no more stupid people!

Ah...we all can just wish and look forward to that day!

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