Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sorry for the lack of posting....

It has been several days since I have had the opportunity to blog. I have been earnestly looking for stories to tell you all, but with the holiday's, stupid people have not been up to their job of being stupid. Until today............

Okay...I have another gym story...this is where I get my best stuff.

So today, I was sitting in the sauna when another guy came in. I had my iPod on which is typically for most people at my gym. Full iPod has been having some problems. One side of the ear phones stopped working. So as I sat in the sauna, I could hear music out of only one side (that is the important part).

After being in the sauna for a couple of seconds (really like 2), the other guy started talking to himself. I thought this was weird, so of course, I turned down my iPod so I could ease drop. What the guy was saying was a bit odd. HE STARTED SAYING OBSCENITIES!!! He was saying S$%@$%$ and F&*&%%$$&*, and all kinds of CRAZY!!! What was interesting was that he was not saying it in a way like he was in pain or that the sauna was hot. He was saying it in an enjoyable way.

The morale of this story is....if you see someone with earphones on, don't assume that you can talk crazy and no one will notice/blog about it later! What a Tool!

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